Last week, BSCSP partners from across the country met for the 2014 Annual Meeting at Montana State University. In total, over forty participants, including project scientists with expertise ranging across the geologic sciences, attended the three-day event.
In addition to presentation topics including project and risk management, well completion and CO2 testing, and an overview of outreach accomplishments, there was substantial discussion focused on the recently retrieved core samples, the well logging interpretation, field-based water sampling efforts, and the seismic survey program. Further, science teams had the opportunity to collaborate in working groups and develop strategies for the exciting challenges ahead.
The highlight of this year’s annual meeting, however, was the inclusion of a core-viewing workshop (pictured) on the Montana State University campus. The workshop, organized by geologists, Dave Bowen and Dave Eby, provided an excellent opportunity for BSCSP partners to learn from core samples first-hand – samples that demonstrate the unique geology of Kevin Dome that makes for an ideal CO2 sequestration site.
As the Kevin Dome project continues to progress, the BSCSP team will certainly be planning more meetings and workshops in the future. But, this year’s Annual Meeting owed much of its success to MSU staff, Kathy Rich and Kimi Nygaard, for their months of planning and detailed preparation, and we owe them a big thanks!