We've Moved Field Offices!

Looking for the BSCSP Field Office in Shelby? Well, look no further, our office has moved half a block west.

We are now located on 3rd Avenue South – one building up the hill from First State Bank and across the street from Quilt with Class. The office now features a lobby, administrative office, field-staging room, and conference room for planning and meeting events.

BSCSP Field Office
118 4th Avenue South
Shelby, MT 59474

If you find yourself walking or driving by our new location, please feel free to stop in to meet Rick Czech, BSCSP Field Manager, and learn more about BSCSP. We have a variety of educational resources, pamphlets, and handouts regarding our work at the Kevin Dome project site. Rick would look forward to sharing work updates from the field - as well as a cup of coffee.

We hope to see you soon!